Utilizing Squidoo For Marketing Your Affiliate Programs

what is squidoo



Search engine optimization, link popularity and even authority site related article submission sites may not be enough to promote a site, but another website called Squidoo.

Squidoo.com is a web page that you’re first impression would be to aid you to develop a webpage for advertising. It will serve as your website. The notion that it could provide the same benefits as a fully-called Ecommerce site is a misconception. Squidoo will not charge you to set up and it is absolutely not as complex as you have no idea.

Squidoo.com is a blogging site and whatever you are doing online, is posted to Squidoo as well.

The biggest advantage here is that adding pinging and Google statistics are really easy. Adding your Google your site by simply following the ‘Add content’ easy steps, you’ll be amazed at how much traffic your site will get.

Squidoo.com is also really friendly with the search results. You can even exchange links with them if you happen to see a site with content that is highly relevant.

Your Squidoo page goes into the Google index and spiders possibly hundreds of pages without you even knowing. You may have to go to the Google Webmasters central site in order to do this. However, it is well worth the visit as it’ll allow your site to go into the Google have promptly and if properly done and your Squidoo page will be indexed as well, you’ll get the same great results that you’d get on your own site.

If you look at the page rank of those sites that are ranking in the Google search results, you’ll notice that Squidoo will usually hit somewhere between 4 and 7 pages. Sure these links will still give you the traffic they did when it was first created, but don’t doubt that Squidoo will pass on the ‘link juice’ to your site.

Typical page rankings will most likely be around the 4 and 7 spot on the first page of the Google SERP’s (Search Engine Result Pages) for your keywords. Because Squidoo has tons of content, you can boost rankings on lots of keywords and that could very well result in higher quality traffic for your site.

The great part is that you can also make an AdSense site using Squidoo if you decide a few things. No matter what type of site it is, you should remember that the key to any type of marketing is to have your site as good as you possibly can. So it’s important to make a choice, if you want to use Squidoo, and you’re site is either new or upgraded, but it is important to get this right as you will want to be able to offer similar demographics that Squidoo offers in order to keep the traffic coming back.

Squidoo offers you different options when it comes to the templates and this is what makes it really easy. There you can go to one of the sub sites and see samples of the same template. You can choose different templates for the different themes, varieties, or for the fact that Squidoo has to make templates, or you can simply set your own, etc.

Squidoo allows you to make entirely different templates for the different aspects of your site, but you’ll come across others if you search through the templates that are already present on Squidoo that are just as effective such printing services.

Squidoo offers you the ability to build link pages. When you build page links that will make other webmasters want to come back to your page, this gives you the opportunity to send them to affiliate pages or drive them back to your site. Squidoo isn’t on a nuking hole, like some of the other social bookmarking sites. They want you to link to them and so appreciated you hang on to the links that you help them to gain.

You can also use Squidoo to create news and articles. If you’re promoting affiliate programs you can let the readers to see and click on the articles, which you can link to your site as well.

Squidoo can be used to build excellent backlinks for your sites. Having tons of links to your site from others gives you traffic and the link juice that it provides you.

You can also build Squidoo lenses. Squidoo lenses are simple such as an article or a Squidoo lens about the content of your site.

Squidoo lenses are links to your site for others to read. This is one of the key ways for them to rank the pages on Squidoo.

Squidoo has said, you have a base to spring from just by building the page and building links to it. They then distribute the power as they see it.