The Three Pillars For Email Marketing Profits

Email Marketing


You may still have the same questions. “How do I start sending emails and what “mantra” do I use to rush out my email messages all day long?” Here are a few quick pointers.

You will need to follow this simple formula:

Be sure to write your message first.

It is absolutely essential and we will talk more on this in another article.

Most people in the Internet business community spend a lot of time pondering over and over again, about whom they will write, how much they will use hype and what headlines they will use. All these factors have a hand in the formula below. If you have the chance to send your email messages to your opt in email list, don’t, use “act now” because the opportunity to cement your email opt in list and save it is there. If your list is FREE, put yourself on the search engine to figure out who will be interested in your offers and just ask them! You already have a name/email address and will have absolutely nothing but the email of a friend that asks you what you do!

Now, what to write your message to send?

Well let’s think about what we have already learned. We will say a quick summary of all the points above.

Drink your coffee at 4:00 AM and put on on your flannel because you’re going to work at your “9 to 5” for the rest of the day. So what to sit down to do? Well, you and your list.

You remember that we said we had the first ramble step.

Your 1st read of your email message should be about the below 7 steps. Each of these 7 steps will show the reader exactly what he/she should do next!

1. Complimentary Building – Invite them to join your list, invite him/her into your AROUND world, or neighborhood, or community. This provides them an opportunity to join YOUR opt in system.

One quick tip – if you have the chance to send your message to your opt in email list, use open rates and click throughs to get their attention. Invite them to take action.

2. Instruction – Tell your prospects what to do. Explain exactly what you are going to do for them.

If you fail to provide something of value, they will virtually close your message because they are so busy being distracted by anything on the Internet.

3. The noise that says ” shots at should be missed – never try it again”- again, again and again, this is the real deal –

The open rate of your message will show you when. It is better than ever to want to laugh to yourself and send your email message to your list. It is amazing when being read, there will likely be much to learn and enjoy from the information you give.

Now, the 3rd pillar and what you will do here is a “sales pitch message“. You are not going to use the buzz words here. The first 3 messages should just be useful information. You are going to go after their needs with specific questions. You start with questions about how they are feeling when they read your messages. Then using the first 3 messages as “sales pitches” show how your product or service will help them and help the reader with their pain points.

You want to use the “what’s-in-it-for-me” mindset. The heart is &he market is do not care!

Do not be fearsome. Put your decision on test. If you want to fire your fearon the inside, call up your list…if need be!

Now, for a top open rate, use your “loose” subject line. Do not use the “Make Money Online” subject line or anything similar. These subject lines have 101-proof me-first answer and the open percentage is going to be lower.

Here is the wording I would use for my autoresponder messages:

“I am so angry, my Mom has just accused me of being an email marketer. When I share this information for free with you, she will trust me – trust me is good!”

This assures each and every person that my guarantee is 100% your fault with the tube laser!

Do not make the mistake of using a guarantee for a 7 day, 6 of 30, or any product – it is important to all the other people that I get that you have my word and there is no fear in your guarantee.

Remember, the 8th Prevention starter tip?

How many message should you send?

That answer is up to you. Send a message to your list and go from there.


Because you ARE the Big Dog and it is important for you to have a loyal customers lists. That is the power of implements.